
Product Spotlight: Insider Trading

Keep your compliance team in the know and reduce the chances of market abuse, with our easy-to-use insider trading solution. Track which employees have material and non-public information using insider lists and compare employee trades against high-impact global events and market activity.

In this complimentary demo, you’ll: 

  • Discover how to automatically screen for employee trades that occurred prior to key market events, such as price movements, mergers, or acquisitions. 
  • Learn about Insider List Management, which includes recording all employees involved in every project, when they join the project, what information they’re privy to, and when they leave.
  • Explore Data Management & Enhancements to easily detect insider trading with trade correlation against a global newsfeed that pulls hundreds of thousands of news articles from a variety of global media outlets daily. 

Complete the form below to register!

Expert Speakers

Melissa Macatuno
Melissa Macatuno

Executive Director of Product Marketing

Melissa Macatuno is the Executive Director of Product Marketing at StarCompliance.

Group of computer programmers talking while working at IT office.