The TLC of Client Partnerships

StarCompliance’s Approach to Client Governance  In the highly competitive, ever-evolving world of employee compliance technology, maintaining strong client relationships isn’t just a priority—it’s a…

The Future Is Now: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Employee Regulatory Compliance

The field of compliance has transformed dramatically over the last few decades, driven by rapid advancements in technology—most notably in the form of artificial…

Best Practices for Adhering to IAF Regulations

With regulations constantly changing worldwide, understanding Ireland’s Central Bank’s IAF (Individual Accountability Framework) instituted in March 2023 is crucial for business.

Regulations Ahead… Time to Plan Accordingly 

Setting Aside Budget for Employee Compliance Efforts 

Sometimes The Grass Is Actually Greener 

Choosing the right compliance partner can make all the difference  In today’s complex regulatory landscape, maintaining compliance is not just a legal obligation but…

The Weak Link in Surveillance: Validating Models for Effective Detection

This FCA Market Watch is a wake-up call for firms! Firms must build and validate their surveillance models to ensure they function in the correct manner to surface the desired risk.

Navigating Employee Compliance: 12 Best Practices and Strategies

Effective employee compliance programs are vital for safeguarding a company’s reputation and reducing legal risks, as well as risks to employees themselves.

Voting Leave Notices Are Essential For Upholding Employee Rights

U.S. employers are required to post voting leave notices in their workplace or make them available to remote employees. Find notices for CA, NY, and DC.

 Managing The Rollout of Whistleblower Protection in the European Union

NOT ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME…  The EU Whistleblower Directive, introduced in 2019, provides a critical framework for protecting individuals who expose illegal activities…